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Cognitive Distortions and  Democratic Failures:

The Impact of Fake News on Democratic Politics

WORKSHOP      27-28 May 2021     Online (Zoom)


To register contact

14.00 -14.10

Anna Elisabetta Galeotti (University of Piemonte Orientale)
Opening Remarks

14.10 - 15.00

Simon Blackburn (Cambridge University)
Fighting Conspiracy Theory

15.00 - 16.20

Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini (Union College)

Beyond Harm: a New Ethical Framework for Social Media


Paolo Bodini (University of Milano)

Political Knowledge, Political Sophistication, and Epistemic Insouciance. Facets of an Institutional Challenge

16.20 - 16.40

Short Break

16.40 - 18.00

Kathleen Murphy-Hollies (Birmingham University)

Exceptionalism at the Time of COVID-19: Where Nationalism Meets Irrationality


Gianfranco Pellegrino (Luiss University)

Climate Denialism is not Fake News

May 27

May 28

09.30 - 10.50

Massimo Leone (University of Torino)

Digital Pinocchio: The Semiotics of Deep Fake


Tommaso Piazza (University of Pavia)

Consuming Fake News: Can we do Any Better?

10.50 - 11.00

Short Break

11.00 - 11.50

Lisa Bortolotti (Birmingham University)
Unshakeable Identity Beliefs

11.50 - 13.10

Carlo Burelli (University of Genova)

A Civil War of Information: A Realist Assessment of Fake News


Patrizia Pedrini (University of Siena)

Fake New Consuming and the Desire to Feel Smart

13.10 - 14.30

Lunch Break

14.30 - 15.50

Elisa Piras (Sant’Anna Pisa) and Jacopo Marchetti (University of Firenze)

Investigating the Unreasonable Democratic Public: How Fake News Affect Public Opinion


Deven Burks (University of Luxemburg)

Is Deliberative Democracy Prey to Cognitive Distortions?

15.50 - 16.00

Short break

16.00 - 16.50

Mario De Caro (Roma 3 University)
Libertarianism, Paternalism, and Autonomy

16.50 - 17.00

Closing Remarks 
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